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When Culture Matters

We are here to help
Culture Dementia UK is a Registerd Company in England and Wales No.45408094 Charity Registration No.1098941
Useful tips for Carers
1. The person is the same individual as before, the only difference is that they are ill. Respect their dignity and self esteem.
2. Do not say “I am going to do this”, or “I am going to do that”, but instead ask them: “Can I do this or what would you like me to
3. Do not talk about them in front of other people.
4. Do not shout at the person you are caring for. Speak to them in a soft,
kind voice.
5. Sufferers can read your body language, so try not to show your frustration and anger, but instead be positive.
6. Do not aggravate them by insisting that what they say is not true, or the object or people they think they see, is not really their.
Try instead to distract them from the subject.
7. Remove dirty items of clothing lying around when they are not looking. Replace them with clean ones.
8. Allow extra time for dressing or doing things which were previous easy to do.
9. Try and obtain clothes, which are easy to put on. Obtain shoes and slippers that the persons can slip on.
10. If there are things which they enjoy doing, although It may take longer; encourage them to continue doing them.
11. Do not talk down or patronise the person you are caring for.
12. Make sure they have a balanced diet. Plenty of fruits and vegetables.
13. Make sure meal times are supervised and different family members/friends are not giving food again when the sufferer says they have not eaten.
14. Make sure dentures are well fitted and food can be easily chewed.
15. Make sure they drink a lot of fluids.
16. Keep an eye on their bowel movements, as constipation may occur and increase confusion.
17. Look out for urinary tract infection ( they may pass urine more often or complain of a burning sensation when the pass urine). If this happens consult your doctor. Try and maintain good personal hygiene at all times.
18. Ensure that after bathing, the areas between the legs, toes and fingers and palm of hands are properly dried and creamed or
19. If the person you are caring for complains of itching or constant scratching of their Genitals (Private Parts) consult his or her
20. Check they're hearing and eyesight as these may cause added confusion to the sufferer.
21. Try and engage them in pastimes and hobbies they once enjoyed.
22. Do not take it for granted that everyone who suffers from dementia loves the same games or music.
23. Make sure that all gas and electrical appliances in the house are made safe.
24. Use a small black board to write messages reminders.
25. Do not isolate yourself.
26. Get in touch with one of the support groups. Remember you may need help or someone to talk to about your feelings.
27. You may wish to change any long-term security numbers. For example security locks.
28. Always leave water in the kettle, as turning this on without water may become a fire hazard.
29. They may say or do things as if they were living in the West Indies or Africa in times gone by.Try and understand and learn about that culture at that time.
30. If they do not wish to change their clothes or perform a particular task at a specific time, and it is not a danger to themselves or any one else, just leave them. They will do it in their own time. Insisting will make them aggressive and make you angry and frustrated.
31. It may be necessary to put a pinafore or equivalent on, at mealtime or if he or she
is dribbling. It will help to keepthem clean and dry.
32. If you are uncomfortable with the condition, you can telephone any of the help lines. They will listen to you.