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When Culture Matters

We are here to help
Culture Dementia UK is a Registerd Company in England and Wales No.45408094 Charity Registration No.1098941
The Big Bike Ride
The DJ Streetsound Charity Bike Ride
Sponsor a DJ Here
Due to New Government Guidlines
*Express Yo-Self Events*
As part of the Dj/Streetsound industry culture, in conj. with
*Bandooloo consultancy*
Mc Dodd, Dj Ali & Jay Nelson(J2) would like to invite you to participate in *The Big Ride Out* The DJ & Streetsound Charity Bike Ride in aid of Dementia and Mental Health, this will be a chance for us (DJs and Sounds) to give back to our communities by raising money for not one but two worthy causes - *Culture Dementia UK* and *OMA mental health network*
This Takes Place on:
Sunday 20th September 2020
We depart at 1pm from various locations in London with the final destination being Hyde Park Speakers Corner (approx 17 miles from departure points).
We would love for you to *Ride Out* with us.
To take part in this worthy event please contact:
Dj Ali 07973 157 946
J2 07944 986 828
Mc Dodd 07860 534 913
by Monday 7th September 2020.