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When Culture Matters

We are here to help
Culture Dementia UK is a Registerd Company in England and Wales No.45408094 Charity Registration No.1098941
We provide respite for carers of sufferers of dementia. This is very valuable and necessary service as more people are falling victims to the condition This is a very depressing and stressful condition .carers themselves suffer from stress related conditions and need a break to recuperate and carry on caring.
We provide 2-3 hours of respite in the Carers own home. During this period we try to stimulate the service user in activities according to their capabilities.
Carers Support Group
We hold monthly supports groups for Carers of sufferers of dementia. Here Carers can:
Unburden their challenges without feeling guilty or embarrased.
Support each other.
Receive valuable advice and tips from each other and the group.
We are able to learn through the group how to plan for future needs.

Drop in Centre
We hold weekly drop-in sessions for early sufferers of dementia, and lonely, depressed and isolated elders.
We are fortunate to have the help of the local community. The boys from Crest Boys Academy do an excellent job integrating with our charity. It also teaches our youth all about dementia and associated diseases and illnesses. These boys interact with our clients and at the same time are tought by our carers and staff about dementia.
Bridging the generation gap with boys from Crest Boys Academy has been a great success story. They play games, draw, sew, watch films, sing, dance, give jokes and talk about old times.
The Drop-in Centre
Crest Boys Academy Crest Road London, NW2 7SN
Local Underground (Jubilee line) Neasden and Dollis hill stations Bus Router 332,245,182,16
Free car parking
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